
Cytokinins – Auxins – Enzymes – Gibberellins – Ethylenes, Plus many Micro-Nutrients Plant Growth Regulators

Nitrozyme is a plant extract which is quality controlled for particular growth hormones. To name a few – Cytokinins – Auxins – Enzymes – Gibberellins – Ethylenes – plus many Micro-Nutrients Plant Growth Regulators

Nitrozyme is not registered and not sold in Canada
Manufactured in U.S.A.
Exported around the world

How is the Cytokinin Hormone Level Controlled?

Nitrozyme is produced using the strictest quality control  methods possible. The test used to determine hormonal activity is state-of-the-art and approved by Government Regulators.

What is the Plant that Nitrozyme is Made of?

The plant from which it is extracted is Ascophyllum Nodosum and is found in the Northern Atlantic Ocean and the Norwegian Sea. This plant grows on rocks in sea water, which is as cold as -20oC in the winter and as warm as 32oC in the summer months.

How Does Nitrozyme Work?

Plants progress through a cycle of growth stages. Using the example of wheat, the plant starts out as a seed, germinates, goes through the seedling stage, through the three, five and seven leaf stages, and finally forming a head and producing new seed. When a plant is under stress at any given stage of growth, reduced levels of cytokinin growth hormones are produced. If this reduction occurs at certain key stages of growth such as the tillering stage, yields can be affected. By making available extra hormone to the plant at these stages, you can influence the crops final yield. Timing of the application is essential.  If you apply a hormone to a plant, the result will be stimulated growth of the type which the plant is currently undergoing.  If the plant is forming roots, more root growth can occur. If tillering is underway, more tillers will be formed. If stem growth is in progress, that is what will occur.  If flowering is in progress more flowering will occur.

What About Nitrozyme as a Seed Treatment?

Nitrozyme is very effective as a seed treatment. Many gardeners and researchers have been experimenting with Nitrozyme as a seed treatment because it contains certain hormones which can help promote early seedling vigor, and up to 40% increase in root mass. More root mass leads to a healthier and a more vigorous plant.

Why use Nitrozyme?

Crops under normal growing conditions achieve only 30-40% of their genetic potential. Growing conditions such as low or high moisture levels, hot or cold temperature variations, soil imbalance and nutritional deficiencies contribute to plant stress and result in underperformance of the crop. Plants under stress are unable to produce sufficient cytokinins, the natural plant growth hormones which are necessary for plant growth, nutrient mobilization and distribution, germination, cell division, root development, flowering and seed formation. These naturally occurring hormones have a very pronounced effect on the growth of plant cells and regulate delicate physiological plant processes. After many years of research and field testing, the natural cytokinins in Nitrozyme can be put to productive use on your plants. Natural cytokinins such as those found in Nitrozyme will help control and regulate: germination – root development – nutrition uptake – plant tissue composition – tillering – flowering -seed and fruit set. Nitrozyme has been proven to effectively relieve stress, provide a more vigorous and healthy plant, which increases yields and profits.

Agricultural Products

How Nitrozyme Works!

Plants progress through a cycle of growth stages. When a plant is under stress at any given stage of growth, it will produce less cytokinin growth hormones.  If this reduction occurs at certain key stages of growth, yields are affected. By making available extra hormones to the plant at these stages, you can influence the plants final yield. Timing of the application is essential. If you apply a hormone to a plant, the result will be stimulated growth of the type which the plant is currently under going. If the plant is forming roots, more root growth will occur. These natural hormone compounds are essential to: plant cell enlargement and division – germination – root development – flowering and seed formation.

Yield Enhancing
“The Non-toxic Plant Growth Regulator”

The Chemical Structure

The life cycle of a plant is regulated by hormones. Three general types (auxins, cytokinins and gibberlins) are responsible for plant growth. The interaction of these hormones combined with micronutrients bind to receptor molecules in the plasma membrane and cytoplasm. This binding triggers specific activities such as membrane permeability, gene expression and synthesis of new protein molecules. In addition to these naturally occurring hormones nitrozyme contains 70 trace minerals and the following vitamins: A (Carotene), B1, B2, B12, C, E, K, biotin, copper, niacin, choline, panthothene, boron, folic acid and folinic acid. Nitrozyme is the most complete natural growth product available – we guarantee it!


The Plant Growth Regulator
For Increased Quality and Marketable Yields

Typical Analysis

A. Active Ingredient

  1. Cytokinin, as kinetin, based on biological activity 0.04% (400 ppm)

B. Registration

  1. United States EPA Registration No. 45246-1

C. Chemical and Physical Properties

  1. Physical State: Liquid
  2. Color: Brown/Black
  3. Specific Gravity: 1 14 @ 20oC (min.)
  4. Solubility: Highly soluble in water
  5. pH: 4.3 – 5.0
  6. Nitrogen: 0.2% – 0.4%
  7. P2O5: 4.0% – 5.0%
  8. K2O: 4.0% – 5.0%
  9. Organic Matter: 10% – 12%
  10. Solids: 22% – 24%

Contact Information

Head Office - Canada

Agri-Growth International Inc.
18024 - 107 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta
T5S 2J5
Phone: 780-484-0102
Fax: 780-484-1632
Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm

Contact us for more information!